Robert Owen identified as as driver towards a new Collaborative Economy in Wales

 In Business Loans, Community Energy, Home Loans

A new report released by the Wales Cooperative Centre entitled A Collaborative Economy for the Common Good has identified Robert Owen Community Banking as an existing example of good practice that needs to be developed further within a much more collaborative economic development model for Wales.

The report, authored by Pat Conaty, explores the potential for new economic strategy for Wales. It draws on best practice from abroad and currently emerging practice in Wales to develop the Collaborative Economy model based on Social Solidarity, Community Economic Development, and Foundational Economy models.

The report acknowledges the role played by Robert Owen as one of the earliest Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFI’s) working in Wales, and highlights the success of programmes such as our Zero Interest Loan Funds for domestic household repairs and renewables in Powys, our work in support of business development across Wales and the importance of our Community Energy Fund in developing sustainable income streams from renewable energy across Wales.

The report was launched at the Welsh Assembly on Tuesday (17th November) and Wales Cooperative Centre are hoping that it will serve to influence the development of political thinking on the economy in the run up to next year’s Assembly elections.

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