About Us

Since 2006, Robert Owen Community Banking Fund has been providing ethical loans for local businesses, people and communities across Wales.

We are based in Newtown, Powys, the birthplace of 19th Century social reformer Robert Owen, who fathered the Cooperative Movement. Like our namesake, we believe that by supporting basic principles of fairness, accountability and cooperation, we can help build a more mutually prosperous society.

Robert Owen Community Banking is a Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) and is a member of Responsible Finance.

Banking services are an essential part of sustaining a vibrant local economy.

The objectives of Robert Owen Community Banking Fund are:

  • To invest in the development of businesses and new start up ventures in order to sustain the local economy.
  • To invest in making Welsh homes safe, warm, secure and low in carbon.
  • To assist communities to develop successful community energy schemes, that can reinvest income or savings to help other community projects.
  • To ensure that money earned in Wales works hard to support the sustainable development goals that have been set by the Welsh Government.

We provide ethical investment opportunities for businesses, charities and local authorities.

Our Team

Our Loans

Business Loans

For Start Up Loans and Growth

Home Loans

For Property Improvements

Community Energy Loans

For Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

What Our Customers Say