Nick ChristoforouBusiness Founder and Consultant

    Nick has been supporting founders and teams to build purposeful, productive organisations for over 25 years.

    He has set up and developed a number of businesses  across brand, culture and organisational development, event and venue management.

    He is  currently the founding director of purpose-driven brand and culture change consultancy, Neo ( and a trustee of a global citizenship leaders, Welsh Centre for International Affairs (

    He is also a consultant, coach and mentor for founders and people looking to become agents of change within their organisations.

    Nick is a Clore Social Leadership and Tuff Leadership trained coach and has led companies through the sustainability ‘B Corp’ certification.

    He is an active participant in a range of networks including Reinventing Work, Better Business Network and Cwmpas. He has organised conferences, seminars and network meet-ups, and has recently become a local host of the  ‘People Planet Pint’ sustainable business networking,

    He has been a guest speaker for a range of events including the University of Chester’s Centre for Research into Environmental Science and Technology (CREST) programme, University of Wolverhampton business start up programme, Mid Wales Enterprise Hub and the arts sector’s environmental charity Julie’s Bicycle.