Nick Venti

After starting his working life as a partner in a small manufacturing business, Nick embarked on a career in the voluntary sector in 2002. Having been a local community development officer in [...]


John Waters

John was one of the founding directors of ROCBF in 2006 while already a director (2002 – 2013) of the Robert Owen Credit Union from which it was born. For several years around that time he was [...]


Graham Brand

Graham was a founder director of ROCBF and managed the accounts in the early years, until we had the resources to appoint a financial manager. Previously, he had been a founder director and [...]


William Ransford

William is a Director at local solicitors practice, Milwyn Jenkins & Jenkins. He graduated in History from UCW Aberystwyth in 1991 and subsequently worked as an intern and researcher in the [...]


Sarah Reast

Sarah has been Director of Timberkits Ltd since 2012 taking over from her parents who founded the company in 1993. Timberkits designs and manufactures wooden mechanical models sold in kit form. [...]