Founder, Mick Brown moving on to focus on development of a cooperative bank for Wales

 In Business Loans

Having founded the company 12 years ago and led its growth to its present position, Mick Brown is leaving Robert Owen Community Banking to work on an exciting new proposal to develop a cooperative bank for Wales. Since standing down as Chief Executive of the company in July last year, he has been much in demand for his unique expertise and experience as a leader and innovator in the field of community finance.

As founder and Chief Executive of Robert Owen Community Banking, Mick led the company through the rigorous regulatory requirements of Financial Conduct Authority approval as well as several phases of raising capital, development of the company’s entry into the small business loans sector and a range of other innovative, award-winning financing programmes and loan management services, particularly in the community renewable energy sector.

Mick leaves the company with our very best wishes for his new ventures and we look forward to the prospects of working with him in the future on projects and ideas which will benefit not just Robert Owen Community Banking but the community finance sector as a whole. The community finance sector has grown significantly in Wales over the last 12 years and a major part of this growth has been a direct result of the hard work, commitment and immense contribution Mick has made in its development.

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