REconomy Inspiring Enterprises

 In Business Loans

Whilst attending the Renew Wales event at Wrexham University last month, we were reminded of a proud achievement of ours.  In June 2013, the REconomy Project listed Robert Owen Community Bank in the 20 most inspiring enterprises in the UK. The REconomy Project is part of the Transition Network, a global grassroots movement of communities seeking to strengthen their resilience to problems including climate change, rising energy prices, economic uncertainty and inequality.Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 09.47.52

The report summarised that each of the enterprises on this list ‘demonstrates a different way of working from business as usual – they are sustainable, offer some social benefits and have shared ownership, while providing essential goods and services for the community in which they make their home. They provide jobs for local people, as well as volunteering opportunities, and they buy from other local independent businesses.’

Reading the section on Robert Owen Community Banking fund put into perspective how far the company has grown in this short amount of time. For example, at the time of writing, in 2013, there was only one full time employee. Since then, this number has grown to 7! Similarly, when this case study was published, our turnover was £600,000, a figure that we expect to treble in 2016, at least!

To read the article, please visit the REconomy website here.

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